not been bento-ing since....errr....since when ah.....since.....aiyo...pai seh to cakaplah. schedule tunggang-langgang (means up and down lar....luang luang liao) so routine pun luang luang liao more routine to wake up earlier to make bento liao. got actually...but it's just bread spread with butter and kaya. spread with jam, peanut butter and the fastest...kekeke....just put a slice of cheese...and taaadaaahh...kau-tim! no no yesterday, have been telling myself i need to wake up and make myself bento to bring to work today. a must. a must. plan already wanna cook rice and chicken curry (can punyer lah) and then vege (pre-packed punyer also), BUT.....end up i didn't cook rice, so semua pun tak jadi. :( i still make bento BUT different content liao. Kakakakaa...
talk about last nite...the weather is so cooooollll....i slept before 1am. covered myself under my quilt...ooooo...and the on lite n ez and i'm puffff....zzzZzZZzzzzzz sampai ke Mongolia liao in just a minute! Kekeekek...
so, when this morning, the alarm 7.30 rrrriiinnnnngggg....i just urrrgggghhhhhh......bbbeeennntttoooo...............wake up to go to the toilet....then...then...then...come back to my BED...kekeek....and laze another 10 minutes......keep telling myself...bbbbeeennntttoooo....... Kakakakaka....kakaaka.... so, 7.50am (ooppss...not really 10 minutes), then i just wake up lar...dun wan laze liao....kenot laze liao, make my bed and then go to the kitchen and 'klik klok klik klok klik klok' at the kitchen...(hopefully didn't woke up my other two housemates) kekeke....and thinking since my rice, chicken curry and vege "kaput" already, then i will cook something else lah.....
so, decided....a pack of Ibumie and 2 eggs (too heavy??? no lah hor...coz it's morning mah...breakfast mah....) to tahan myself till lunch neh.... right? then chose to use this bento container or that bento container. i tell u...the spirit of bento-ing coming back lah.... :) so happy myself at the kitchen there.... frying the eggs..cutting it into pieces, then "stuff' my noodle into the smaller container (hehehe...really have to stuff lah) then band with the brown bento band......
taaaddddaaahh...bento done and it's just 8.18am :) keekekeekeke...sempat lagi shower slow slow before go to work. :)
oh..lupa cakap..i also bawa bread...just normal breadlah...spread with peanut butter and another piece put cheese. :) (for calsium sake) and this is for lunch... heavy breakfast, lesser lunch and least dinner (my motto diet a bit)
so...yaaa..that's about 'comeback' to bento-ing. must admit to start doing tat again, i feel a bit 'urrrggghh' but after doing it, while doing it...kekeke...the 'yeaaahh'...come back. rice, curry chicken and vege might just be my bento for tomorrow...keekekekee...ekekeke.. (already excited about it).
y need to stuff the mee into the smaller container? just put in the bigger one and the eggs put into the smaller one lar... kenot?
eh...yahor...y ah? y ah? y ah? my otak registered the small is for rice/noodle/main dish/ and the bigger one to put the side dishes. otak tak boleh pusing punyer orang. kakakaka..... anyway, one pack is just nice to put in the small one...kekekeek.....
Yummy! better than me! no bento past week.
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